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© 2016 Power Petroleum Distributors | All Rights Reserved
Mabopane Depot:
Mon - Saturday: 08h00 - 17h00
Sunday & Public Holidays: 08h00 - 13h00
Do it …… With Passion and Precision …..
power petroleum
Power Petroleum has been a loyal and dedicated distributor for Caltex since 1985. Passionate about the Caltex Brand.
By sheer excellence of supplying all the product all the time on time to our customer base, we have sustained and expanded Power Petroleum during a highly volatile economy & opposition strategy with higher discounts flooding the market place.
Power Petroleum Distributors positioned as a house-hold name with passion & precision.
We have been a loyal distributor with Chevron since 1985.
Hands on management
Highly efficient & Motivated employees
Culture of “ do it with passion & precision .. Or don’t do it at all “
Our customers is our heart-beat
We pride ourselves with our strategic alliance with Chevron for over 30 years.
Distributors with Chevron
We have been a loyal distributor with Afrox since 1990.
Hands on management
Highly efficient & Motivated employees
Culture of “ do it with passion & precision .. Or don’t do it at all “
Our customers is our heart-beat
We pride ourselves with our strategic alliance with Afrox for over 25 years.
Rosslyn Depot:
Mon - Thursday: 08h00 - 17h00
Friday: 07h30 - 14h00
Saturday : Closed
Sunday: Closed